
Self Introduction

   Hi, my name is Kayli Jurvakainen. I have a large family so therefore, family is very important to me. Also, my friends play an important role in my life. My mom's name Kristina, but goes by Kris and my dad's name is Jon. My friends and family are are the people I can go to for help or condolence anytime I need it. My mom especially plays a big role in keeping me motivated in school. I am almost a full Finn. All four of my great grandparents came to America from Finland. Although I am very close to a full blood Finn, I know very little of the language.   Some of my hobbies include a lot of things outdoors. Hiking, swimming, and just exploring new places are what I love to do. This summer I went to Montana where I got to explore and tour Glacier Park. I've been there multiply times but I haven't gotten to explore the things I wanted to. It was a trip with my friends. I also love to go shopping and do all that kind of stuff with my friends.    Some of my favorite bo